Megan - I was raised in an active LDS family and have been a member of the LDS church since my baptism at age eight. I was married in the Manti temple in 2003 and have a lovely growing family that I delight in caring for and nurturing full-time. Currently, our family consists of an almost four year old son, a two year old daughter and a newborn baby boy. It is horribly humbling and hugely rewarding to see my children learning the gospel in our home!
Ben - I grew up in Southern Utah. At the age of eighteen I finally decided that I needed to find out for myself the truth of the religion that I had grown up in, the LDS religion. As I searched the Book of Mormon, the truthfulness of this book and the man by whom it was translated, Joseph Smith, was affirmed in my heart and mind that it was correct and from God. I went to Russia to teach the people there the knowledge that I had received and share with them the happiness and joy that my religion brings me. I love my religion and I love God and Jesus Christ. I currently attend medical school, am married and have two children. Life couldn't be any better, there is nothing but happiness to be found in living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jancisco - I also grew up in an active LDS home (very similar to Thaddeus' - okay, exactly the same home). I became converted to the church myself, though, in high school. I also served a mission in Russia for a year and a half and saw the miracle of joy that enters people's hearts when they understand their purpose on earth and God's love for them. That's why I am so excited about sharing the gospel--it makes people happy. Currently, I live in Texas with my attractive husband and two wonderful children.
Bret - Grew up near Seattle until I was 12 and in Highland, Utah since then. I am a student in the USU Electrical Engineering program and I served two years as a missionary in Southern Brazil, teaching the people there and loving it. I am a great fan of fine music and literature.
Curtis - You may recognize me as the guitarist of Coldplay. If you do, however, you are wrong. But, however, I do love playing and recording music of all kinds. I also believe that basketball and ultimate frisbee are the two greatest activities ever invented by humans. And my life went like this: I was born in Alaska and lived in Germany for a time while my dad served in the military. Then, eventually we settled in Utah where I lived till the ripe age of 19 when I went to serve for two years as an LDS missionary in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. I now profess to study mechanical engineering at BYU. I owe much to the man who, in their english class, introduced my dad at age 19 to the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's ridiculous the amount of good that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has brought into my life.
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